Finance Monthly

M&A Awards

2023 Winners Edition Available

About the M&A Awards

Each year, Finance Monthly’s corporate readership works with companies and advisory firms to help facilitate and complete some of the most important deals across the globe. The M&A Awards gives Finance Monthly the opportunity to acknowledge, recognise and celebrate those companies and individuals involved making deals happen.

The Finance Monthly M&A Awards exist to recognise and celebrate those companies and individuals who have delivered the highest quality results and have excelled their clients’ expectations over the last 12 months.

"Grant Thornton Austria’s versatility in adeptly managing a spectrum of tax and non-tax matters establishes the company as an exceptional and prominent player in its industry."
Werner Leiter, Grant Thornton Austria
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Werner Leiter
"Our philosophy is that we are only successful if our clients are and that drives everything we do, we strive to achieve only the very best results for our clients."
Vivek Subramanyam, Technology Holdings
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Vivek Subramanyam
"From my perspective, in the next two years, corporate work will increase since most of the companies will push for creating a better business strategy."
Luis G. Ramirez V., Luis Gerardo Ramirez Villela
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Luis G. Ramirez V.
"We are one of the best teams of M&A and corporate lawyers based in China. Our team is composed of talented Chinese and internationally qualified attorneys."
Bruno Grangier, Leaf Legal
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Bruno Grangier
Werner Leiter 
Grant Thornton Austria
"Grant Thornton Austria’s versatility in adeptly managing a spectrum of tax and non-tax matters establishes the company as an exceptional and prominent player in its industry."
Vivek Subramanyam 
Technology Holdings
United Kingdom
"Our philosophy is that we are only successful if our clients are and that drives everything we do, we strive to achieve only the very best results for our clients."
Luis G. Ramirez V. 
Luis Gerardo Ramirez Villela
"From my perspective, in the next two years, corporate work will increase since most of the companies will push for creating a better business strategy."
Bruno Grangier 
Leaf Legal
"We are one of the best teams of M&A and corporate lawyers based in China. Our team is composed of talented Chinese and internationally qualified attorneys."

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