Finance Monthly - Taxation Awards 2024

Finance Monthly Taxation Awards 2024. USA 13 What do you find most rewarding about helping clients resolve their tax issues? The most rewarding experience is having a client in my office who starts out full of anxiety and uncertainty and we are able to bring them to a state of confidence and relaxation, knowing every case has a solution. There is no such thing as a perfect case but there is always a path to resolution. The level of appreciation and gratitude received by a client who can again relax is very rewarding. Finally, what keeps you motivated and passionate about your work in tax resolution? Tax is an everchanging and growing field. It is impossible to know it all. I have always been a person who seeks knowledge and constant learning. I am a firm believer that if at any time, a person does not get up excited to go to work and check out what the day brings, is maybe not in the right field. 15 years after that CFO in the hospital advised me to take the fork in the road one of his previous clients ended up in my office by mere chance. She was so worried because her CPA had passed away, and three years had gone by without her filing a tax return. She came to my office full of anxiety and lost. I was able to get her returns filed and get her compliant. In the process, I noticed that the CPA who had passed away happened to be the CPA who was mentioned in the first question, which led me to take the fork in the road. I knew in that moment of my life coming full circle, I was right where God had intended me to be. Knowing I am serving God everyday in my profession to assist people with tax returns and tax resolution keeps me motivated. It is this motivation that drives my passion and affords a happy life with my children. Photography: Kevin Lofgren

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