Finance Monthly - Taxation Awards 2023

Finance Monthly Taxation Awards 2023 France 35 About Cyril Maucour Generalist in corporate and executive taxation, which he has practiced for more than 20 years in large international firms and for 10 years in French firms. He acts for an international clientele of entrepreneurs, growth companies, SMEs and ETIs. His clients’ sectors of activity are very varied: industry, new technologies, fashion, software, pharmaceuticals, new energies. This diversity of situations has allowed him to acquire a very operational approach to tax issues. He is also regularly involved in assisting with tax audits and litigation. This has allowed him to develop significant experience in the tax issues faced by companies and individuals operating internationally. He advises companies and individuals on their international operations. This multi-sectoral experience for clients of all sizes allows him to advise his clients in the context of their international deployment by providing specific expertise on foreign tax rules and the implementation of this internationalisation of their activity. He also makes this experience available to individuals, whether or not they are French residents, who wish to structure, diversify and develop their assets with a view to passing them on to their heirs. About AlterTax Avocats At AlterTax we are aware that our clients expect us to deliver high added value on the files they entrust to us. • We focus on customer satisfaction and invest in the best technological tools on the market to offer a unique experience based on: • The fluidity of interactions with our teams and partners • The provision of our resources and tools to build in a collaborative way the solutions best adapted to their needs and thus contain their fees as well as possible Our working methodology is based on 3 fundamental principles: We are experts in taxation, which we practice exclusively and on a daily basis, mainly on complex, high-stakes issues of : • International corporate and personal taxation • Taxation of merger and acquisition transactions • The quality of our communication reflects the quality of our advice: concrete and clear solutions The quality of our work organisation is essential to ensure: • The fluidity of exchanges with our clients and the interactions between our team members so that everyone can contribute in the most efficient way to the development of packaged or turnkey solutions for our clients. • The software platforms on the market did not allow us to provide a turnkey solution adapted to our needs, so we participated in the design and development of an innovative platform (for more information Managing Partner AlterTax Avocats Cyril Maucour

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