Finance Monthly - M&A Awards 2023

Nelson Pena IMCI+ Group Corporate Finance Advisory Firm of the Year REYL Intesa Sanpaolo REYL Intesa Sanpaolo Corporate Finance Team of the Year 16 Matthieu Chamorel DYN | FIDUCIAIRE Financial Services Company of the Year Andrés Zweig Ramus & Company, AG M&A Advisory Firm of the Year United Kingdom Wyatts Wyatts Accountancy Firm of the Year Jonathan Waters My In House Lawyer Alternative Dispute Resolution Adviser of the Year Jason Stather-Lodge OCM Wealth Management Ltd Aviation M&A Adviser of the Year Faisal Sheikh University of Salford Manchester Business and Management Consulting Adviser of the Year Abrar Kayani AAK & Co. Business Advisory and Consulting Firm of the Year 7 Leiter Werner 14 Due Diligence Adviser of the Year Austria Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2023 Index

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