Finance Monthly - M&A Awards 2023

Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2023 USA 49 obsession to birth life-changing products and services. Often, the enterprise has value well before it has earnings. So why is it that “experts” place the value of a company all too often on a multiple of operating earnings? Delivering the “dream” outcome calls for a different approach. It requires the banker to become invested in the entrepreneur’s story and uncover the key value drivers—fully committed and unencumbered by convention. Helping companies and entrepreneurs realize their dreams allows us to realize ours: to deliver the value of an enterprise that reflects its true potential. That happens when price becomes secondary to the emotional imperative of an acquirer to own the future potential of a unique and irreplaceable asset. You were unstoppable in your quest to build your business. You are not about to settle now. We get it. We get it big! Unlocking Value We believe that every company has an entrepreneurial passion that drives it and a story that defines it. To capture its full value, you must convey a vision that goes beyond its numbers, reach the right buyers and run a flawless process that turns the prospects of owning your company from a “nice to have” to an emotional imperative. Doing so requires talent and experience. Finding them is hard but, when you do, you can dare to win without risking it all. That’s where we come in. Buy-Side Advisory Acquisitions represent an essential growth strategy in a slow-growing economy. We provide a full range of buy-side advisory services that include: Targeted process Assist clients with negotiations, diligence and financing to complete an identified transaction. Full search process Manage complete search processes that include development of an acquisition plan, identifying and contacting targets, arranging financing, negotiating terms, and assisting with diligence. We bring the knowledge base and relationships of our industry bankers in assisting our buy-side clients to formulate and successfully complete acquisition strategies.

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