Finance Monthly - M&A Awards 2023

Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2023 Switzerland When it comes to using art as an investment vehicle, we have found that there is a particular interest in fixed income products with works of art as their underlying assets.” “ 17 months, advising leading private equity funds in Europe on transactions ranging from EUR 100m to EUR 4.9bn, as well as advising large corporates. The Corporate Finance team also offers a service in artlending and believes it to be interesting for several reasons. A securitisation platform for asset-backed securities gives clients the opportunity to invest in bonds backed directly by works of art. These investments enable coupons to be paid quarterly or semiannually with an annual return in the high single to low double digits region. The coupon constitutes a premium due to the low or non-existent liquidity offered by alternative investments. This allows a diversified product with low risk to be offered outside the traditional market. The platform also offers clients the opportunity to take out loans and get more out of their art collection. When it comes to using art as an investment vehicle, we have found that there is a particular interest in fixed income products with works of art as their underlying assets. At the same time, the market for art-backed loans in Europe is still in its infancy. This is what inspired us to launch Griffin Art Partners in partnership with Luxembourg’s Link Management, one of the leading art consulting firms in Europe. This collaboration means we can anticipate specific trends in the art market and deliver art-backed loans, meeting the high demand for art-related, well secured investments from clients in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

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