29 www.finance-monthly.com About Christian Faber ChristianFaber advisesbanks, financial serviceproviders andfintechs on contract drafting, new product processes, risk management, MaRisk compliance, ownership control procedures and refinancing. He also represents market participants in disputes with customers and debtors in court as well as in regulatory proceedings against BAFIN and Bundesbank. Christian Faber conducts training courses worldwide for the international factoring association FCI. He gives management and supervisory bodies in-house seminars on national and international banking supervisory requirements. Christian Faber is the contact person for investment companies and investors for all corporate finance questions and investment law. From his work in company analysis, he has experience in the bankside design of project financing. He also advises non-profit organizations and church bodies on corporate and tax law issues. Christian Faber is a member of the management board (CFO) of Bette Westenberger Brink. Languages: English (one-year stay in Seattle, USA) Professional background Member of the Steering Committee of World of Open Account (WOA) Speaker in training programs of the International Factoring Association FCI, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the German Credit Management Association (BvCM) MaRisk compliance officer and whistleblowing office of several financial services institutions Member of the Supervisory Board of vortex energy holding AG and Campus Marienhöhe gGmbH Examiner for the second state law examination and head of the working group for trainee lawyers in Rhineland-Palatinate in commercial law In-house activity in the legal department of JUWI Holding AG Studies and legal traineeship in Mainz and Geneva with ongoing employment at Deutsche Bank AG and international law firm Linklaters Trained as a banker and worked in the “Mittelstand” banking department of Deutsche Bank AG BANKING AND CAPITAL MARKETS LAW ADVISER OF THE YEAR Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2022. GERMANY Lawyer, Partner, Specialist for Banking And Capital Markets Law Bette Westenberger Brink Christian Faber Christian Faber T: +49 6131 28770 41 E: fa@bwb-law.de
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