The Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2021

- 84 - F i nance Month l y M&A Awards 2021 - AUSTRALIA - Firm Profile Allunga Advisory is an independent corporate advisory firm providing mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and capital raising (equity and debt) services, to public and private mid-market and SME businesses for transactions valued between $20-200m. We work extensively with corporate, private equity buyers/investors and family owned and entrepreneur led businesses. Lead by our principals Matt Rogers and David Hall, both of whom have Global Tier 1 investment banking experience, and with a dedicated and focused team of 10, we help our clients to develop and execute the optimal capital strategy to set their business on the right path for growth and to maximise the options and value at exit. Mergers & Acquisitions Adviser of the Year Matt Rogers Allunga Advisory CONTACT

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