The Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2021

- 46 - F i nance Month l y M&A Awards 2021 - SWEDEN - Firm Profile Lars Weibull AB is one of Sweden’s most trusted M&A advisory firms for medium-sized business transactions. Our customers are industrial groups, entrepreneurs and Private Equity players. Our transactions are usually in the value span of 20 to 500 million SEK. A large amount of our transactions are done with foreign investors. The company was founded in 1975 when Lars Weibull moved home to Sweden to start his own firm after working for a number of years at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Paris. The business idea then was to help Swedish companies enter the French market. Over the next 25 years the focus for the firm was international market development for Swedish medium-sized companies. Around 2000 the company launched M&A services towards the same client segment as a natural next step. The company’s DNA of working with international business transactions fit very well for M&A assignments to find the right buyer or seller. Since 2000, the company has carried out more than 300 business transactions in the medium-sized company segment in the revenue range of 25-750 MSEK and is today one of Sweden’s most experienced business advisors in business transactions. Having done more than 300 business transactions in the last 15 years, Lars Weibull AB has a very wide range of industry experience. Mergers & Acquisitions Adviser of the Year Tobias Lundin Lars Weibull AB CONTACT

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