The Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2021

F i nance Month l y M&A Awards 2021 - 27 - - BELGIUM - buy-ins (MBO/MBI), leveraged buyouts (LBOs), owner buyouts (OBO), family buyouts (FBO) Our sales advice and guidance is initiated with a tailored business transfer report. This report is driven by a specific situation, objectives are formalised and the business is analysed, which is translated into clear and practical advice, including a professional valuation with advice to optimise the value and marketability of the company. Once the first step is taken towards selling the company, we create a professional information memorandum and, in conjunction with our clients, start discretely and proactively looking for suitable potential buyers and then negotiating until the final transfer of the business. We can provide support and added value in the following situations: You want to sell (sell-side) • You are the owner/shareholder and wish to sell to third parties: • employees or managers of your company (MBO) or the existing co-shareholders; • external managers or management buyin candidates (MBI); • a (family) investment group, wealthy individual or a (smart) private equity investor; • a competitor, sector peer, customer, supplier (trade sale); • a combination of the above. • You are the owner/shareholder and wish to sell to a professional investor but you want to stay operationally on board and keep a majority or minority equity stake after the transaction. You realise a portion of the company’s equity now which can be justified from a diversification point of view or for other personal reasons (LBO/OBO) You want to buy (buy-side) • You are a co-owner/shareholder and wish to buy out one or more existing co-shareholders; • You are currently involved in the company but want to increase your equity stake (MBO); • You are considering buying into a company in which you are not currently a shareholder (MBI); • You are the owner/manager of a domestic or foreign company and wish to accelerate your growth via further add-on acquisitions, requiring advice on a market search and in identifying, analysing and anonymously approaching interesting (Belgian) acquisition targets; • You are a professional investor and wish to build a portfolio of investments, by way of a buy & build strategy, in a particular industry or niche market. About Kris Van Deun For more than 14 years, Kris has worked in M&A and corporate finance at both a national and international level. He commenced his career in 2005 as an M&A analyst at a Belgian corporate finance house, and then moved to the family office of two industrial families to work as an investment manager. As part of his full-time MBA course at Vlerick, Kris carried out several successful strategic consultancy assignments for a US mid-market buyout firm. Prior to founding DaVinci Corporate Finance, Kris worked as an independent M&A dealmaker. Kris graduated in 2005 with honours (magna cum laude) as Master of Commercial Sciences at the former VLEKHO (now KUL) and he also has a Bachelor of Business Management. His practical experiences on both buy- & sell- side advisory, combined with his academic background ensures that Kris has the necessary knowledge and expertise and is ideally placed to assist entrepreneurs in strategic and financial matters relating to M&A. Kris understands better than anyone the sensitivities and characteristics of a family business, as he himself comes from a family-owned business and he has, over the years, built up the necessary affinity with the Flemish (family) business world. Kris has a relevant and wide network and is a member of several business and networking organisations, including Vlerick Alumni.

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