Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2019 - Winners Edition
FINANCE MONTHLY M&A AWARDS 2019 43 FIRM PROFILE Blackfinch’s origins go back to 1992, meaning that we have more than 20 years’ experience of trading in the UK investment markets. During this time, our products and investment solutions have evolved to suit the challenges faced by investors as regulations and markets change. As the economic climate has shifted, we have adapted and strengthened to ensure that our investment solutions remain tax-efficient, transparent and compelling. Throughout this evolution, we have grown in partnership with our clients and their professional advisors, and now have in excess of £500 million of assets under administration and management. At Blackfinch we work in partnership with intermediaries to develop innovative and transparent investment portfolios for your clients. Our products are designed to meet the challenges faced by investors, which have adjusted over time, as a result of changes in regulation and the economic climate. As part of our service, we: - Construct portfolios that focus on capital preservation and risk mitigation, whilst balancing a strategy to generate a real return. - Developsolutionsthataretax-efficientandtakeadvantageofvarioustax reliefs provided by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). - Work with you to help generate and preserve the wealth of your clients, whilst providing valuable financial planning benefits. Blackfinch: An Evolutionary story The Black Finch was one of Charles Darwin’s Finches, which were instrumental in his observations of basic forms of evolution. This led Darwin to develop his theory of ‘survival of the fittest’, where each beak variation provided a competitive advantage within the species. Blackfinch Investments was conceptualised on the birth date of Darwin, the pioneer who first established evolutionary theory. This links with our corporate ethos and ability to adapt to changes in the markets. It also echoes our ability to provide the strongest solutions for our customers, as their challenges constantly develop over time. We rely on this experience and our ability to adapt to future changes. By working in partnership with Blackfinch, our customers gain a competitive advantage, through the strength and resilience of our investment solutions. RICHARD COOK Richard has been Chief Executive Officer since 2009 and has been involved in the structuring and management of tax- efficient investment assets for over eleven years. He has overseen the growth and expansion of the company within the UK retail market and has evolved the company to where it is today. Previously, Richard has worked in senior banking roles within Merrill Lynch and the Bank of New York. OUR SERVICES OUR PORTFOLIOS Our products and services provide innovative and robust solutions to help preserve and enhance your wealth. They concentrate on high elements of capital protection or capital preservation whilst taking advantage of various tax reliefs guaranteed by HMRC. INHERITANCE TAX PORTFOLIOS The Blackfinch IHT Portfolios allow you to mitigate inheritance tax after 2 years whilst maintaining access to and control of capital. AIM PORTFOLIOS Blackfinch have teamed up with Chelverton Asset Management to offer a discretionary portfolio service designed to mitigate IHT by investing in a portfolio of AIM shares, carefully constructed by our team of specialist investors. EIS PORTFOLIOS Our EIS Portfolios provide access to the attractive tax benefits of EIS by investing into companies which benefit from underlying security through real assets and strong revenues, whilst also providing opportunity for growth. MEDIA EIS PORTFOLIOS The Blackfinch Media EIS Portfolios allows investors to access the attractive tax benefits of EIS by investing into media companies that target capital preservation.
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