Finance Monthly M&A Awards 2019 - Winners Edition
FINANCE MONTHLY M&A AWARDS 2019 NEIL SCARTH Neil Scarth’s 30 year career in finance has given him a unique understanding of the complex economic and strategic interface between asset owners, asset managers and research producers. Neil has had a wide range of roles including running integrated secondary equity businesses at global banks to launching and managing a variety of asset management products both in the pension fund advisory and long/short verticals in New York and London. Neil was on the UK Investment Management Association’s Research Review Advisory Panel and served as Board Member of Neonet Securities. He is a widely published author on industry issues both in academia (University of Edinburgh) and industry bodies (CFA UK/CFA Institute.) Neil holds an MA from the University of Southern California and a BA from Carleton University ASSET MANAGEMENT ADVISORY FIRM OF THE YEAR UNITED KINGDOM FIRM PROFILE Established in 2009, Frost Consulting is a trans-Atlantic consultancy that is an acknowledged global leader in strategies related to institutional investment research from both commercial and regulatory perspectives. Frost works with asset managers and asset owners on a variety of research issues including research valuation/ budgeting software platforms (FrostRB) that allow managers to construct strategy/fund specific multi- asset class monetary research budgets reflecting investment process, portfolio construction and expected returns. Managers can thereby optimize ROI on research spending and meet complex MiFID II requirements – and, most critically, maximize the probability that proposed MiFID II research budgets will be approved by asset owners. FrostRB provides a detailed firm-specific framework for the MiFID II-required Research Valuation Policy. Frost also advises banks and asset managers on CSA/RPA architectures for the MiFID II research payment environment. 41
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