Finance Monthly - Global Awards 2023

COACH OF THE YEAR LEADERSHIP Anu is an internationally acclaimed holistic coach and recipient of multiple awards. Masters in Psychology and PCC credential (ICF) she has over 25 years of experience in Coaching, Corporate HR, Training and Psychology. She celebrates life, co-creating with clients beautiful, meaningful journeys integrating their well-being holistically. Connecting deeper with the GIFTS Model, clients achieve extraordinary results by “Being” in oneness through their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Partnering with clients in empowering self, she facilitates manifesting their highest potential in personal & professional life. What was your motivation to specialize in leadership coaching, and how has your background influenced your coaching style and methodology? Growing up in an Armed Forces home (my father served the Indian Army) , built the foundation of a fair, equitable workplace and society, instilling values of DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging). As a Psychologist and Human Resources professional, infinite potential of human minds inspires me. Blessed to experience clients self-discover resources within to manifest their fulfilling and meaningful life. Leadership development has been a significant aspect of my journey. Coaching leaders to foster a robust legacy, left indelible imprints in my being as their trusted partner. Personally, my growth is deeply rooted in Yoga and spirituality. The state of oneness with fusion of mind, body, spirit and deep inner silence is transformational. Anu Sachar AnantOm Consulting Carve Your Path LLP E: W: ANU SACHAR AnantOm Consulting Carve Your Path LLP INDIA 72 Finance Monthly Global Awards 2023.

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